Career Profile

My passion is to work in a team on creating truly smart applications.

Software developer, critical thinker and team player with over 17 years experience of creating and maintaining software solutions. Hands-on knowledge of different roles and phases of the software product lifecycle, in combination with constant learning and fast skill acquisition, allows me quickly solve problems of any kind (technical, non-technical) and deliver the best possible user experience within deadlines.

Recently, I started to dive into Machine-Learning and Deep Networks to enrich developed solutions with Artificial Intelligent capabilities.


  • Languages/Frameworks: Java 8, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Python, Angular 2+, Go language
  • Technologies/Standards: REST, JSON, Git, Github, jUnit, Mockito
  • DB: Cassandra (NoSQL), MongoDB (NoSQL), MySQL (SQL)
  • Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud
  • Big Data and Machine Learning(ML): Keras, Tensorflow, Jupyter notebooks, Map-Reduce, Hadoop, Apache Spark
  • Fundamentals: Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Soft skills: agile, team player, critical thinking, problem-solving, attention to details, fast learner


Backend Java Developer

10.2018 - Present
Workjam, Montreal

The team was responsible for the development of several back-end microservices that forms a core functionality of the application.

Technologies / Technics:

Java 8, Spring Boot, REST Microservices, Cassandra, jRebel, xRebel, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, Docker, Agile, Scrum, Sprints, Retrospectives.


  • Implemented event sourcing functionality in two microservices. The main purpose is to create local Cassandra storage for most used objects that belong to the other MS. As a result significantly reduced the number of internal REST calls that lead to a reduction of response time and overall system load.
  • Migrate three microservices to a leverage Spring Configuration Server autoconfigaration.

Backend Java Developer

06.2017 - 10.2018
Ericsson, Montreal

The team was responsible for the development of two services (back-end and front-end) in an internal management system.

Technologies / Technics:

Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Data, REST Microservices, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL, Angular Js, Docker, Kubernates, Agile, Scrum, Sprints, Retrospectives.


  • Refactored one of two main Java Spring Boot microservices that resulted in a significant increase of code base clarity and reduce code base by 3k lines.
  • Also, as a result of refactoring proposed and implemented a new version of REST API that simplified back-end and front-end logic of the application.
  • Investigated and developed the first integration with an external system.
  • Proposed changes to sprint planning that resulted in an ability to meet deadlines with production-ready features.

IT Consultant

01.2017 - Present
Stephen Léopold Montréal Immobilier Inc., Montreal

On-demand consultations on the matters of Information Technologies.

Agile Product Owner and Project Manager

09.2006 – 08.2016
SKB Kontur, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Technologies / Technics:

User interview, User demo, Roadmaps, Agile, Scrum, Sprints, Retrospectives.

  • - Lead development and rolling out of the product line from scratch
    • Conducted an ongoing comprehensive research of the client needs
    • Created and maintain products backlog with prioritisation
    • Work with stakeholders to ensure satisfaction with the scope, quality and prioritization
  • - Leading the development and rolling out of the brand-new web-service for use of electronic signature
  • Planned a long-term and a short-term development roadmap (design, marketing, PR, advertising, sales, technical support etc.)
  • Spoke at conferences (Russia, Poland, the USA)

Developer, Tester and Technical Support Specialist

06.2002 – 09.2006
SKB Kontur, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Technologies / Technics:

C++, ASP.Net, C#, SQL Server, Microsoft IIS.

  • Developed a WEB system (ASP.Net, C++, C#, JavaScript, SQL)
  • Tested the product manually and automatically (self-made tools)
  • supported users by phone and email


1Z0-809. Oracle Certified Professional (OCP), Java SE 8 Programmer II


DS220. DataStax Enterprise 6 Practical Application Data Modeling
with Apache Cassandra™ (view certificate)


DS201. DataStax Enterprise 6 Foundations of Apache Cassandra™
(view certificate)


Programming with Google Go language Specialization (view certificate)

University of California, Irvine, Coursera

Building Cloud Services with the Java Spring Framework (view certificate)

Vanderbilt University, Coursera

Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
(view certificate)

Google Cloud, Coursera

Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java Specialization
(view certificate)

Rice University, Coursera

1Z0-808. Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), Java SE 8 Programmer I


Algorithmic Toolbox (view certificate)

University of California San Diego & National Research University Higher School of Economics, Coursera

Deep Learning Specialization (view certificate)

4.2018, Coursera

Certified Scrum Product Owner (view certificate)

2012 - 2015


Master of Engineering, Software Engineering

09.2016 – 09.2018
Concordia University, Montreal QC, Canada

Personal study projects:

  • Character recognition web-service ( - Backend - Frontend )
    • Back-end: Java Spring Boot, Java Spring Data, Mongo DB, REST API
    • Front-end: Bootstrap 4, Angular 4, TypeScript, REST
    • Machine Learning Model: Python, Tensorflow, MNIST
    • Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes
    • Google Cloud: Container Engine, Machine Learning Engine
  • Clients clustering and sales recommendation system
    • Hadoop, Java, Spark, Python, PySpark. Total data size: 1,5 GB

Group study projects:

  • Reactive asynchronous non-blocking web application - “TweetAnalytics”
    • Back-end: Java 8, Play Framework, JUnit, Mockito
    • Front-end: Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, jQuery
    • Actor-based programming: Akka
    • API: Tweeter API
    • Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes
  • GitHub activities aggregator - “TA Watchtower”
    • HTML, JavaScript, GitHub API, Travis-CI, Agile

Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance

2009 - 2009
Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Bachelor of Computer Science, Information Systems (in Economics)

1998 – 2004
Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
